Tuesday 26 March 2013

Thursday 21 March 2013

Aaron Needham

An artist called Aaron Needham drew this amazing portrait of me! I am absolutely in LOVE with it! :) <3

Saturday 16 March 2013

The Vicious Fiend - First time making these sort of things!

Just working on little cute things for The Vicious Fiend with my sister! needs more practise! But as they say practice makes perfect! ;)

Lets just say, I got a "little" excited, when Norman Reedus followed me! ;)

Look Who is following me on Twitter :o 
I jizzed uncontrollably&#8230; 

I saw something written recently that pissed me off…

I saw something written recently that pissed me off…
It was concerning weight, which is no surprise because most people are seeming to become obsessed with their weight more and more. It was something on the lines of (Don’t quote me on it, this is what I’m taking from my head) ” I hate people who are always bragging they are body positive, they always seem to be fat and overweight, no your unhealthy stop making an excuse for it and lose weight” 
You know what, I doesn’t surprise me that people are saying this because they must be very closed minded people. It all started from measuring your BMI, and if you ask me it is beyond bullshit. How could BMI tell you that you are normal/overweight/obese etc…When it does not take into consideration muscle, fitness, strength, strong bones. So if the comment was made by that person who had BMI probably in their mind was wrong. Comments like that can lead to people to have eating disorders, like they have a disease and they are not good enough because they do not match the “ideal” weight on the BMI Calculator. 
For Example, I’m around 5 foot 6/7, I don’t weigh myself, because I don’t think it’s important. I judge myself on how I feel when I look in the mirror. When I get clothes I could get a size 14, 16 or 18 (UK) depending on where I buy it. More than likely I would have 16-18 on the bottom, I have wide hips, thick legs, and a big arse to be honest :L Depending on the top, I would take 14 or 16, I have a big bust and wide back. So, In society that would make me “Plus Size”, and does that mean I’m unhealthy? No!
I got blood test results back today (I get blood test occasionally and my heart checked due to tablets with have nothing to do with my physical health, but doesn’t matter now) They check to make sure I am physically healthy because the tablets have quite a few side effects. The results were normal, no risk of diabetes, no liver problems, no thyroid problems etc…
So why does most people seem to think that a little extra fat on your body makes you unhealthy.  Is it because of BMI? I think it is that and also the pressure of society. That over time pounds into your head that you are not beautiful if you are not really thin. 
People need to understand that being body positive isn’t one sided. And not all people are “overweight” who are body positive. Being body positive is embracing who you are whether your size, that people should be treated equally, and love the  body they are in. To accept people for who they are, and not to judge on how they look because their body , who has to much fat or who are thin. The main focus here is to be HEALTHY and HAPPY, and not let pressures of society get to you. There is more to life than your weight, if you are happy and healthy don’t worry about your weight. If you are comfortable and confident within yourself then why should others opinions matter. 

The Vicious Fiend Online Shop Coming Soon!

PWETTY PWEASE REBLOG! And join the facebook page. Have a look at the site too if you want :P 


The Vicious Fiend - Online Store Coming soon!
(Please Reblog post)
Like our facebook page - we would love your feedback on what you would like to see in store. - https://www.facebook.com/TheViciousFiend
Cheap and Cheerful prices.
Talking about wholesale with Kreepsville and Restyle at the moment.
Website (underconstrution) http://theviciousfiend.wix.com/theviciousfiend#!home/mainPage
Also can send feedback on the websites community forum, sign up for a chat :)

                                                                                                          ———————Please keep text above————————————————

Some news!
I sorted out the wholesale stuff with Kreepsville666 and Restyle! So when I officially open up my online store, them ghoulish goodies with be available! At a good price ;) also I will be getting creative myself and selling some goodies on there too! When I get to a certain amount of followers ad the shop it open I will be doing a good old fashioned tumblr giveaway ;) I hope you will purchase off me and join in on the giveaway! Will be selling my stuff first and if they are selling good then the kreepsville666 and restyle products will join the website and hopefully grow from there! www.kreepsville666.com /www.restyle.pl :)

Sketch I did when I was about 15! lol

Sketch I did when I was about 15! Haha #art #myart #zombieliquor #zombiepussyliquor

Playing Around with Instagram...(Drawing I did a while back!)

#jimihendrix #myart #art #funk #jimi Hendrix #aoifegilmartin #zombieliquor #zombiepussyliquor

#frankenstein #frankensteinsmonster #frankensteins monster #themisfits #horror #horrorpunk #punk #zombieliquor #zombiepussyliquor

REVIEW! Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D (2013)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D (2013)
 I finally got around to watching this and such a disappointment. I am a BIG fan of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and is in my top 5 favourite horrors. But this one was probably the second worst one I have seen, the first worst was Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Next Generation, and that one deserves to be the worst because Leatherface is portrayed terrible mixed with a lot of bad acting, cheesy clichés, and quite frankly Renee Zellweger gets on my tits!

If you are a fan of The Massacre it makes you cringe looking at the 2013 remake.  It showed scenes from the original 1974 Massacre at the start which was great but then it just went down hill from there. Of course it had the clichés of the slutty twenty something years old in it which in a way was good because you know Leatherface was going to kill them so it made it better I suppose. But the storylineRUINED everything completely, It was dragged out, and in the previous Massacres, I ain’t looking for much of a storyline, WE WANT BLOOD AND HORROR, to be frightened. The storyline dragged on and I felt like falling asleep, like If someone was watching a porn, Fuck a big confusing storyline, AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT, GET TO THE FUCKING ACTION!

In my opinion the kills happened to quick, and there was no thrill at all to it, it made me think to myself, Well, that escalated quickly? But saying that, the brutality of it is one of the reasons why I would consider the it better than the Next generation, but not by much it is still in the shit category. 

Even though when Leatherface put on a mask it clearly looked like a mask you’d by in a fancy dress shop, didn’t resemble freshly peeled skin at all, and the scene when he is stitching it on, you can clearly see no skin problems and a perfectly grown beard and everyone knows he suffers from facial disfigurement and a skin disease that caused severe deformities and tumours to his face. And because I’m a big fan, these things mean something to me, why in the name of fuck would he be wearing a fucking mask if his skin was normal underneath. Then he wouldn’t be Leatherface. He would be your average serial killer.

And also why do they change his name all the time? Either use Leatherface, Bubba Sawyer or even Thomas Hewitt, but stop taking the piss trying to create another name, leave it as it is. >:(

Another thing that grinds my gears that, at the beginning of the movie, when the anger mod burned down the house (Note this was a continuation of the 1974 one at the start)and blah blah blah took the baby and killed the mother, the baby then being the main character when she grows up (Named Heather in the movie). Anyway to my point. Yet she was in her twenties when her grandmother left her the mansion, they were using smartphones and playing ridiculous  modern music, and if she was baby in the 70’s, would that not make her in her late 30’s? But she was clearly young and her in twenties in the movie?

Overall, I will say it again, it was a TOTAL let down, the bit of gore and horror I did enjoy put it a little bit above The Next Generation but overall It’s the stomach churning dialogue that really killed this one for me. When Heather says something like “Do what you gotta do cuz!” just made me vomit in my mouth with cringe, and suddenly she turns into some sort of “badass” and psycho which made me think, where the fuck did this come out of, it’s ridiculous. 

I have to admit, I can be a bit odd sometimes...

Recent Psychobilly Girl Painting by Me!